
Why You Need To Make Sure Your Retail Staff Love Coming To Work

The retail industry has taken more knocks than a prize-fighter in recent years. The pressures placed on brick and mortar stores has been immense thanks to the rise of ecommerce but even online retailers haven’t got away unscathed due to the sheer amount of competition out there.

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How Retail Companies Can Cut Their Onboarding Costs

Hiring new personnel can be surprisingly expensive. It’s not just advertising and recruitment agencies that can hike up the bills but equally important details such as background checks, training and extra paperwork all add to the overall costs.

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Tips For Your Onboarding Questionnaire

Looking at onboarding a new employee, it’s not just about giving them a sweet welcome pack and helping them find the best coffee nearby. Those things definitely help, but there’s a lot more to the onboarding process than that if you want to have an employee onboarded in a way that is efficient, valuable and likely to get everyone up to speed and collaborating as soon as possible.

A huge element that we don’t talk about enough is getting the right data and information from your employees early in the process, understanding what questions are important and assembling them in a way that makes it easy for your bright sparks to answer and get through before they even set foot on site on their first ever day.

We’ve been working on our own onboarding questionnaire, and there are some fantastic questions we’ve picked up on that could have an impact on your hiring and HR:

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Onboarding Roundup: 5 Ways CEOs And HR Pros Make Their New Starters’ Day

Keep The Onboarding Going

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How Retail Companies Can Crush It Through Their Onboarding

Whether you’re hiring a casual, part-time, or full-time worker, you need to be able to have a strong onboarding process. According to Octanner, it’s been found that new employees who go through a well-planned onboarding program are 69% more likely to stay with the company for three years.

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That New Employee? Don’t Let Their First Day Suck

A lot of folks are going to apply for that new job your organisation posted on a job board or shared around on LinkedIn, but only the top candidates will receive a callback, and if they are lucky, they can score an actual interview. Only the ones who meet what you need. Only the good ones, right? 

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HR Tactics For Success

HR is evolving with the modern workforce. Or rather, it should be.

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