
Breaking the cycle: addressing financial stress in the workplace

Key points:

  • Understanding the problem: Financial stress affects 50% of Australian employees, harming mental health, overall wellbeing, and job performance. It is a complex issue that includes factors like inadequate income, mounting debt, unexpected expenses, and limited financial knowledge.
  • The impact of financial stress in the workplace: Financial stress impacts employees’ personal lives and extends into the workplace, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism. This stress is estimated to cost the Australian economy as much as AU$15 billion per year.
  • Strategies for employers: Employers can actively alleviate financial stress by implementing strategies like financial wellbeing programs, offering discounts on everyday essentials, salary packaging options, education, training assistance and more.

50% of Australian employees are stressed about their finances, a figure that is slightly higher than the percentage who reported financial pressures during the height of the pandemic. Financial stress affects employees in numerous ways, impacting their wellbeing and productivity within the workplace. At Flare, we understand the significance of addressing financial stress and are committed to providing actionable strategies for employers to alleviate these pressures and create a supportive work environment.

In April 2023, we published our National Employee Benefits Index — an in-depth analysis of the work attitudes of over 1,500 working Australians, revealing key factors that contribute to both satisfaction and stress in the workplace. In this article, we leverage our research findings to explore the impact of financial stress on employees, delve into its causes, and share effective strategies to break the cycle and promote financial wellbeing.

Understanding financial stress

Our research found that, while 60% of employees are happy with their current compensation, “financial pressure” remains their largest source of stress, followed by physical and emotional health. See the full breakdown below. 

Largest sources of stress

Financial stress encompasses the overwhelming burden that arises from various factors such as inadequate income, mounting debt, unexpected expenses, and limited financial knowledge. The primary causes of financial anxiety for workers across various income brackets include debt, emergency expenses, and insufficient savings. In the current economic climate, inflation is certainly one of the main sources of stress. An increasing number of employees report that compensation isn’t keeping up with the rising cost of living expenses.

“We’re seeing, time and time again, employers wanting to help their employees financial wellbeing but the cost of living is quickly outpacing wage growth. It’s important for business leaders to find alternative ways to boost their staff’s wallet.”
David Brudenell
Chief Revenue Officer, Flare

The signs of financial stress in an individual can be compared to those of anxiety and other types of stress, but they specifically alter a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions in several areas of their life, including work. How can employers recognise the signs and support their staff? The presence of one or more of the following eight symptoms might be an indication that your employee is experiencing financial difficulties:

  • Feelings of anxiety or becoming depressed
  • A decline in work output
  • Feeling restless or agitated
  • Becoming easily irritated
  • Having trouble focusing
  • Struggling with sleep or insomnia
  • Not showing up for work
  • Taking more sick days

Financial pressures not only strain employees’ personal lives but also extend into the workplace, too.

The impact of financial stress in the workplace 

Stress erodes employee morale, especially when it’s related to financial concerns. Workers struggling with money issues are more likely to have conflicts with colleagues and be looking for another job. These factors can create a wide range of problems, such as difficulties in retaining employees, a higher burden on HR, and increased expenses for training.

As seen in the previous section, employees who are struggling financially often find it difficult to stay focused and engaged, resulting in decreased productivity. Employees under financial stress are almost five times more likely to acknowledge that their personal financial problems have been a distraction at work. In fact, it is estimated that stress-related issues cost the Australian economy as much as AU$ 15 billion per year, with direct costs to employers worth approximately AU$ 10 billion through absenteeism or presenteeism. It is also well-documented that mental health and stress often impact an individual’s productivity and effectiveness in the workplace. Ongoing stress can also have a detrimental impact on an individual’s physical health.

Related: Unveiling the data: the impact of employee wellbeing on performance

Strategies for employers to address financial stress

Employers have a significant role to play in alleviating the financial stress of their workers. Through understanding and targeted support, they can contribute to the well-being of their employees, fostering a workplace environment where financial stress is acknowledged and actively addressed. Improved employee well-being can lead to increased productivity, engagement, and loyalty.

Here are eight effective strategies employers can implement within their organisation:

1. Promote financial wellbeing programs: 

At Flare, we advocate for comprehensive employee wellbeing programs that equip employees with the necessary tools and resources. Programs often focus on enhancing financial literacy, effective debt management, budgeting skills, and cultivating healthy financial habits. By empowering employees with knowledge and skills, employers can foster a positive financial mindset and alleviate financial stress. In fact, 59% of workers stated that participating in a financial wellness program gave them more energy to be productive at work.

2. Offer discounts on everyday essentials: 

To assist employees in managing their regular expenses, employers can provide exclusive discounts on everyday essentials, from groceries to fuel, and even fashion. These discounts can help employees save money, stretch their budgets further, and alleviate financial pressure. Flare Benefits include discounts on great brands like Woolworths, Uber, Amazon, and more.

3. Explore salary packaging options: 

Salary packaging options, such as novated leasing, present an excellent opportunity for employers to support employees in getting more from their pre and post-tax salary. Given that car-related expenses are one of the biggest household costs, the savings can hold real potential. And the desire is high, with 52% of workers considering a novated lease within the next year. Learn more about salary packaging.

4. Introduce superannuation support: 

Superannuation is a vital aspect of financial planning in Australia. Employers can offer workshops or access to expert advice on superannuation strategies. This helps employees understand their options better and make wise choices for their retirement, reducing long-term financial stress.

5. Provide Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): 

EAPs can include financial counselling and support as part of their servicesBy offering access to professional financial advisors, employers can provide tailored guidance to their staff, helping them navigate their specific financial situation and reduce anxiety around money.

6. Implement flexible work arrangements: 

Recognising the cost of commuting and childcare in Australia, offering flexible work hours or telecommuting options can alleviate some of these financial burdens. This shows an understanding of employee needs and can contribute to reduced financial pressure. Our research reveals that flexible working is a strong driver of employee loyalty. 

The benefits that drive employee loyalty

7. Offer education and training assistance: 

The rising cost of education and professional development in Australia can be a source of stress. Flare research shows that, despite being named as a key benefit when it comes to employee loyalty, 45% of Australians feel that their employer is not dedicated to their professional development. Employers can offer financial assistance for relevant courses or training programs, encouraging continuous learning and skill enhancement without the financial strain.

8. Emphasise open communication: 

Open and transparent communication about financial matters is crucial in addressing financial stress. Employers should create a safe and non-judgmental environment where employees can seek guidance, share concerns, and access support.

In addition to these strategies, a comprehensive benefits program — including elements like mental health support, mentoring, and flexible work schedules — can shape employee attitudes toward their earnings. Data from Flare’s National Employee Benefits Index shows that dissatisfaction with compensation is reduced by 25% when an organisation offers supplements to take-home pay and supports a work/life balance. 

This highlights the essential role that an intentional and thoughtful benefits program can play in not only supporting financial wellness but also in building overall contentment and loyalty within the workplace.

Related: Australian workers reveal the key employee benefits that bring happiness

A new cycle: Implementing financial wellness in your organisation

Breaking free from the oppressive cycle of financial stress starts with understanding, compassion, and strategic intervention. Employers have the ability to create a new cycle — one that emphasises financial wellness, support, and empowerment. 

By implementing the strategies outlined above, organisations can foster a workplace where financial wellbeing is prioritised, and stress is actively managed. This new cycle not only benefits individual employees but contributes to the overall success, productivity, and reputation of the organisation.

Download the whitepaper:

Australian workers reveal the key employee benefits that bring happiness

Key points:

  • Robust Employee Value Propositions (EVP) and well-structured employee benefits programs are vital in attracting, retaining talent, and maximising happiness at work.
  • Employee benefits programs should cater to employees’ diverse needs, focusing on mental and physical health, financial wellbeing, work-life balance, and professional growth. Understanding and addressing these needs can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Top five loyalty-boosting benefits for Australian employees include flexible schedules, support for reasonable work hours, career development programs, physical health support, and virtual working options.

In today’s highly competitive job landscape, attracting and retaining top talent requires more than just competitive pay. Companies must acknowledge the crucial role that a robust Employee Value Proposition (EVP) plays in cultivating an engaged and satisfied workforce, and how employee benefits are a critical component of an EVP.

To assist Australian businesses, Flare commissioned a comprehensive analysis of over 1,500 working Australians’ attitudes towards work. Released in April 2023, our National Employee Benefits Index reveals the most sought-after benefits by Australian employees.

Join us as we explore the findings from our research and discuss how workplace benefits are vital to enhancing employee happiness. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • The advantages of a robust EVP
  • The definition and significance of employee benefits
  • The importance of well-structured employee benefits programs
  • The key components of an exceptional employee benefit program
  • The top five benefits that strengthen employee loyalty

The power of a compelling Employee Value Proposition

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique set of benefits and rewards that an employee receives in return for the skills, capabilities, and experience they bring to a company. It’s fundamentally the ‘deal’ between employer and employee, encompassing the value employees are expected to contribute, as well as what they can expect in return from the employer.

An EVP typically includes elements like salary, benefits, career development opportunities, work environment, and company culture. A strong EVP can help attract and retain talent, as well as increase engagement and productivity among current employees. 

Why you need a compelling EVP:

  • Communicates a brand’s values around areas like sustainability, diversity and success.
  • Makes it easy for potential employees to align their personal values with the business values and culture.
  • Lists tangible employee benefits, including perks at work, wellbeing initiatives and savings on things like cars, phones, childcare and healthcare.
  • Demonstrates an understanding that the new era of employment is about relationships, not transactions. 

Do you want to know how to develop a winning EVP? Download our free EVP cheat codes. 

Understanding employee benefits

Employee benefits extend beyond mere monetary compensation. They include a diverse range of benefits like deals and discounts, health insurance, leave benefits, and professional development opportunities.

Benefits are more meaningful than ‘perks’. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, ‘benefits’ typically describe more substantial extras addressing the fundamental needs and values of employees, while perks denote smaller, day-to-day advantages such as free coffee or meals, on-site massages, etc. Benefits contribute to employees’ financial security, augment their take-home pay, and ultimately support their and their families’ wellbeing throughout their careers.

“Are you thinking about leaving your employer?”

Employees with benefits were 10% less likely to be thinking of leaving and benefits like gym memberships, mental health support, and remote work can decrease work dissatisfaction by a staggering 25%. This illustrates the potent impact that well-designed employee benefit programs can have on employee happiness.

The power of employee benefit programs

Well-designed employee benefit programs offer more than just a collection of benefits. These initiatives deliver a tailored approach to maximising employees’ happiness and satisfaction by considering their diverse needs and preferences.

Strong employee benefit programs indicate a company’s dedication to the success and happiness of its employees. Our 2023 National Employee Benefits Index found that employees with benefits were 50% less likely to consider leaving their current employer.

Healthcare company Healius is an excellent example of how to customise benefits and pay solutions to a team’s needs. Healius People Experience Lead, Garth, says that giving Healius employees access to Flare’s platform not only benefited its workforce, it also helped the company boost retention and attract new staff. In fact, Healius employees with a Flare novated lease have a retention rate of  98%.

Offering these benefits signals to our people that we are here for them, through thick and thin. It’s one of the key things helping keep top talent at Healius.
Garth HR Manager Healius
Garth Quinn
People Experience Lead, Healius​​

Top five loyalty-boosting benefits

When workers receive benefits, they are 23% less likely to feel overworked, which highlights the profound impact an effective benefits program can have on employees’ work-life equilibrium.

To help employers craft the ideal employee benefit program, we asked Australians to identify the benefits that resonate the most with them. Our findings below highlight, the top benefits that kindle loyalty among Australian employees. In this context, employee benefits focused on work-life balance are crucial for improving engagement. Paid time off, flexible scheduling, and family-friendly policies enable individuals to effectively manage their personal and professional lives.

The top benefits that drive employee loyalty

Revealing the key components of great employee benefit programs

Our National Employee Benefits Index identified the top four areas Australian employees believe a workplace benefits program should cover. These components cater to critical aspects of an employee’s life, including mental and physical health, financial security, and professional growth.

The key components of an employee benefit program are:

1. Health and wellness:

Flare’s research shows that employees with access to a comprehensive benefits program are 25% less likely to feel emotionally exhausted from their work. Supporting your employees’ mental and physical health is a tangible way to show your commitment to the long-term wellbeing and happiness of your workforce.

Effective employee benefit programs often include options like comprehensive health insurance coverage, preventive care and wellness programs, mental health support, gym memberships or discounts, and flexible work arrangements.

2. Financial wellbeing:

Recent data shows that mental health of Australian workers is declining as nearly half feel overwhelmed by debt. Our research confirms this. Although 60% of employees are happy with their current compensation, “financial pressure” remains the most significant source of stress for workers, with 50% of respondents concerned about meeting their current financial obligations.

In today’s increasingly challenging economic climate, employment benefits focusing on financial wellbeing can provide employees with peace of mind, enabling them to focus on their work without undue financial stress. In fact, 59% of workers stated that participating in a financial wellness program gave them more energy to be productive at work. Financial education programs, salary-sacrificing initiatives, and cost-effective novated leasing are all examples of benefits that strengthen an employee’s financial situation.

RELATED: Breaking the cycle: addressing financial stress in the workplace

Novated leasing: the overlooked benefit

While novated leasing may not be the most widely adopted benefit within its category (only 15% of employers offer this service), its impact on employee retention should not be underestimated.

For emerging businesses with limited budgets, splurging on expensive perks isn’t always feasible. However, FBT-exempt benefits like novated leasing can meaningfully enhance employee pay packages by potentially reducing out-of-pocket expenses, especially during economically challenging times.

3. Work-life balance:

In today’s workforce, one in three Australians (36%) feels overworked, and 10% strongly believe their employers demand too much from them. In this context, employee benefits focused on work-life balance are crucial for improving engagement. Paid time off, flexible scheduling, and family-friendly policies enable individuals to effectively manage their personal and professional lives.

At Flare, employee well-being is a lived experience. Our team members are provided with two additional days of annual leave and a wellbeing bonus of $1,000 each year. Employees see it as an encouragement to invest in their health and financial wellbeing, whether it’s buying gym memberships, covering health insurance costs, or engaging in financial wellbeing programs. The wellbeing bonus enabled one of our employees, Josh Loy, to compete in a trail race in the Blue Mountains in NSW.

The wellbeing bonus paid for my race entry fee, new running shoes, and accommodation in the Blue Mountains. It’s so great that Flare can support my wellbeing in a way that works for me and my life.
Josh Loy

4. Professional development:

45% of Australians feel that their employer is not dedicated to their professional development, and the statistics confirm this view. Only about 20% of employers offer at least one type of career development program, such as mentoring, coaching, or leadership development.

By providing opportunities for growth, employers demonstrate their commitment to supporting the professional aspirations of their workforce and seize a valuable opportunity for businesses to get ahead in the race for talent.

DISCOVER: The Flare app provides comprehensive employee benefits management. 

The takeaway: unlocking employee contentment and loyalty

With one in three Australian employees considering leaving their current employer, well-structured employee benefits programs are essential for businesses striving to attract and retain top talent.

Flare recognises their transformative power and is dedicated to assisting businesses in creating an environment that prioritises their employees’ health, wealth, and happiness. Our research aims to help businesses understand how to design benefits programs that provide genuine value and can enhance employees’ work and personal lives, fostering greater engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. But every worker is different. Therefore, we invite you to engage with your employees to understand their evolving needs and specific circumstances. This engagement is vital to building workplaces where individuals can truly thrive and succeed.

To gain deeper insights, delve into our National Employee Benefits Index and join us in prioritising employee wellbeing for a supportive and empowering work environment.

Download the whitepaper:

Unveiling the data: the impact of employee wellbeing on performance

Key points:

  • Employee disengagement costs Australia’s economy around $2 billion annually, driving companies to focus on enhancing employee wellbeing.
  • Flare’s National Employee Benefits Index, a study involving over 1,500 Australian employees, reveals a substantial correlation between emotional wellbeing and productivity.
  • Our research uncovers that employee wellbeing encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social, professional, and financial health.
  • Promoting a positive work culture, offering mental health resources, and addressing financial stress can greatly enhance employee wellbeing and overall performance.

Workplace disengagement in Australia costs approximately $2 billion annually due to turnover and reduced corporate profits. As a result, businesses of all sizes are focusing their efforts on enhancing employee emotional health and wellbeing. At Flare, we’re supporting Australian businesses by uncovering insights into what emotional wellbeing means for their employees.

The Flare National Employee Benefits Index

In April 2023, we unveiled our National Employee Benefits Index — an in-depth analysis of the work attitudes of over 1,500 working Australians and how various benefits and types of compensation impact overall employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. 

Our study found a significant correlation between employee emotional health and wellbeing and their overall performance and productivity. This article will explore key insights from our research and offer strategies that employers can implement to prioritise employee wellbeing in their workplaces to ultimately attract and retain high-quality talent.

The multidimensional aspects of employee wellbeing

Workers’ wellbeing extends beyond mere job satisfaction. It encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of an employee within their work environment. 

Here are the primary aspects of employee wellbeing:

  • Physical wellbeing includes factors like healthy working conditions, ergonomic setups, accessible healthcare, and a balanced lifestyle.
  • Mental and emotional wellbeing goes beyond the absence of mental illness. It refers to employee ability to manage stress, maintain emotional stability and resilience, and balance work and personal life. According to Flare’s National Employee Benefits Index, 34% of participants identified mental health as their primary stress source, second only to financial stress.
  • Social wellbeing is nurtured through a supportive work environment that promotes teamwork, diversity, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging.
  • Professional wellbeing involves aspects such as job satisfaction, career development, continuous learning opportunities, and recognition and rewards.
  • Financial wellbeing covers fair compensation, financial security, and a wide range of benefits.

Biggest sources of stress

Our research shows that mental health is a primary stressor, reported by 34% of participants, second only to financial stress.

Understanding that their staff’s holistic health directly impacts productivity, engagement, and retention, many organisations are implementing wellness programs to foster healthier behaviours and a positive work environment.

RELATED: Australian workers reveal the key employee benefits that bring happiness 

The tangible value of workplace wellbeing

Wellbeing in the workplace, directly or indirectly related to work, has far-reaching consequences:


Stress-related issues cost the Australian economy around $11 billion per year due to absenteeism and presenteeism. Research from the Committee for Economic Development of Australia reveals that mental health conditions prompt the highest levels of workplace compensation claims with a median compensation paid of $45,900, compared to $14,500 for overall claims**. 

"Mental stress claims have a median time off work of nearly 27 weeks, compared to just seven weeks for all serious claims."
Mental health and workplace


Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace. However, Flare’s research shows that fewer than half of our nation’s workforce looks forward to going to work, potentially affecting their performance and engagement negatively.


Positive psychology expert Shawn Achor in his book “The Happiness Advantage” proposes that happiness is a precursor to success, not an outcome. When employees are happy, they are more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive, leading to improved performance and success.

Enhancing employee wellbeing: Effective strategies

Several strategies can help improve workplace wellbeing:

Foster a positive work culture: 

Encourage open communication, respect, and empathy. 

Our National Employee Benefits Index reveals that 41% of participants feel emotionally drained by their work.​

On the plus side, socialising outside of work showed 52% engagement and significantly influenced employee loyalty. This suggests that social interaction is top-of-mind for an overwhelming number of employees. 

Offer mental health resources

Comprehensive resources such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and access to counselling services can help employees cope with stress and anxiety.

At Flare, we’ve partnered with Sonder to provide our employees with the tools they need to manage their wellbeing. Sonder combines modern technology with healthcare experts to provide 24/7 access to self-help or live chat via their revolutionary app. The platform provides anonymised data-driven insights that give you the knowledge to face upcoming wellbeing challenges.

According to Sonder, active care is the next big trend in employee wellbeing. They are witnessing that organisations acknowledging employee healthcare barriers, sharing responsibility for wellbeing, and empowering their employees to actively participate in better outcomes are effectively removing access barriers to medical and mental health care.

Promote work-life balance: 

Flexible work arrangements and clear boundaries between work and personal life can significantly improve an employee’s overall wellbeing. A flexible working schedule is often thought of as the holy grail of employee incentives. However, our research shows that only 6% of companies are embracing it.

Alleviate financial stress: 

Our survey showed that 50% of respondents cited financial concerns as their primary stress source. In line with this finding, AMP’s research shows that the most vulnerable Australians such as women, single parents, and part-time workers, bear the brunt of escalating financial stress. But it’s not just lower income workers who are affected. One in five employees earning over $100,000 per annum are suffering from financial stress.

Some of the most common causes of financial stress include housing, transportation and general food and clothing costs. Providing benefits that address these needs can significantly enhance employee wellbeing and productivity.

Some of the most common causes of financial stress include housing, transportation and general food and clothing costs. 

RELATED: Breaking the cycle: addressing financial stress in the workplace

Ready to transform your workplace?

In conclusion, placing employee wellbeing at the forefront is paramount to attracting and retaining exceptional talent. 

By fostering a supportive work environment, providing essential mental health resources, promoting work-life balance, and addressing financial stress, employers can cultivate a thriving workplace. We firmly believe that nurturing employee wellbeing is crucial to building a resilient organisation that attracts the best talent and achieves long-term success.

At Flare, employees are empowered to live their best lives through two additional days of annual leave, dedicated to wellness, as well as a substantial wellbeing bonus of $1000.

To gain deeper insights, delve into our National Employee Benefits Index and join us in prioritising employee wellbeing for a supportive and empowering work environment.

Download the whitepaper:

How to save on everyday costs with Flare employee benefits

Australia’s cost of living crisis has reached new heights, putting a heavy burden on working families. With the cost of essentials like rent, groceries, and mortgage interest constantly on the rise, budgeting has become increasingly difficult for the average person. There is some cause for optimism despite the current economic climate – workers can save money and find their way with the help of Flare, a revolutionary app for employee benefits. From saving on your morning coffee to your weekly shop, you can tap into your benefits anywhere and anytime to enjoy real-time savings and discount storecards.

The cost of living crisis:

Recent statistics reveal the severe extent of the current cost of living crisis. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, all five Living Cost Indices had an increase between 7% and 9% over the past year. Factors such as housing, food, and mortgage interest charges have contributed to this unprecedented rise, leaving employees struggling to cope with the financial burden. In these challenging times, employee benefits play a crucial role in alleviating the financial burden many families are facing.

Introducing Flare Benefits: 

As the cost of living continues to rise, deals and discounts, courtesy of Flare, are a welcome relief. Make the most of your paycheck with the help of the Flare app, available through your workplace. By granting access to benefits on the go, Flare helps individuals tap into discounts from hundreds of retailers at over 9,000 locations, offering significant savings.

Unlocking savings:

One of the key features of the Flare app is the varied, exclusive employee discounts. From groceries to fashion, electronics to entertainment, the Flare app covers various aspects of daily expenses. You can now enjoy significant savings by utilising discounts offered by a wide range of retailers, making your money go further and helping to alleviate some of the financial strain.

Some of our favourite discounts we offer:

  • 3% off at Woolworths
  • 5% off at Airbnb
  • 5% off at Doordash

Save on your car

Among the array of savings opportunities, Flare offers a game-changing Novated leasing option. With Novated leasing, employees can lease a vehicle using their pre-and-post-tax income, potentially resulting in savings on one of the biggest household expenses. By taking advantage of this offering, employees could enjoy significant tax benefits, reduced vehicle costs, and simplified vehicle management. Drive the car of your dreams while saving money on financing, fuel, insurance, and maintenance. 

Flare cars: Significant savings on one of our biggest household expenses.

Supporting wellness and financial wellbeing: 

Flare Benefits go beyond just financial savings. Additionally, our app provides expert wellness content that focuses on important facets of our lives like stress management, career advancement, and financial security. Flare helps its employees weather the economic storm by providing them with tools and guidance that aim to improve their financial situation and quality of life.

How you can save:

Let’s take an in depth look at how Flare Benefits can help your bottom line. Here we’ve broken down the annual savings you could make, through Flare Benefits. As you can see, the savings add up – especially if you’re faced with a big purchase like a car.


Getting started with Flare Benefits: 

Get the most out of the discounts and wellness tools available through Flare Benefits if your company offers them. If not, speak to your employer about how Flare benefits could support you and your workmates in navigating the cost of living crisis. Our team would be delighted to show your organisation how our free employee benefits program can support their team’s financial wellbeing through discounts, Novated leasing and salary sacrifice. Enquire now. 

The cost of living crisis in Australia has put a heavy burden on workers, making it tough to make ends meet. On the other hand, Flare benefits serve as a ray of hope by giving workers access to various perks, such as special discounts and informative wellness materials. By using the Flare app, you can get the most out of your pay. 

*According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the 2019-2020 financial year, the average weekly expenditure on food for a household in a capital city (which includes groceries and other food items consumed at home) was approximately $204, yearly cost amounting to $10,660.
†The amount the average Australian living in a metro area spends on eating out can vary depending on individual preferences, income, and other factors. However, according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the 2019-2020 financial year, the average weekly expenditure on food away from home (which includes eating out at restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets) for a household in a capital city was approximately $111, yearly cost amounting to $5,772.
‡ All calculations are based on the following assumptions: living in NSW, salary: $85,000 gross p.a., travelling 15,00 kms p.a., finance/lease term: 60 months. Figure quoted include budgets for finance, fuel, servicing, tyres, maintenance, comprehensive insurance, registration and CTP. Novated lease calculations use net GST processing method and Employee Contribution Method for FBT purposes; the total cost over life reflects the net effect after tax and includes a Flare cars admin fee; Interest rate quoted for both the novated lease and car loan calculations is 9.5% with a $550 inc GST establishment fee. Comprehensive Insurance estimate based on 2.5% of the purchase price of the car. The above comparison is indicative and of a general nature only, and we have not taken your personal financial objectives, situation or needs into account. We recommend you consider if you need to seek professional financial advice before making any financial decisions regarding Flare Cars.
§ BudgetDirect reports that Australians spend between $162 – $233 per night on holidays. Figure provided by finding average nightly cost multiplied by 14 for a fortnightly holiday.

Why financial wellbeing is important in the workplace

Improving employee wellbeing is one of the top priorities of HR leaders today. But what many people don’t realise is that 1.2 million households are currently suffering from financial stress. Therefore financial wellbeing is actually what sits at the centre of holistic wellness and has the potential to drive the most significant impact on working Australians. In this post, we’ll explain how to improve financial wellbeing in your workplace. 

Financial wellbeing initiatives to bring into the workplace

Thankfully, there are many financial wellbeing initiatives that you can introduce to your employees. We share some of the most impactful ones below, along with an explanation of how they’ll improve the financial wellness levels of your workforce. 

Novated car leasing

A novated lease allows employees to finance a new or used car by having their employer make payments out of their salary package with pre-tax deductions. With this arrangement, your employee is paying down a certain amount for a specified period of time. At the end of the lease period, they can choose to take out a new lease with a different car, extend the existing lease, or buy the car by paying the residual amount.  

How this supports financial wellbeing:

One of the benefits of a novated lease is the tax break. Since the payments are coming out of your employee’s pre-tax income, your employee’s taxable income will be significantly reduced. Plus, your employees won’t have to worry about things like the goods and services tax (GST), which means they’ll have much more disposable income to use for their other needs. 

Flexible pay 

Flexible pay gives employees the ability to choose when they get paid – instead of following the organisation’s payroll schedule. For example, instead of receiving a paycheck every two weeks, an employee can choose to cash out on a weekly basis or even in real time. The whole purpose of this system is to allow employees to choose a compensation schedule that works for their specific needs and lifestyle. 

How this supports financial wellbeing: 

As you might imagine, flexible pay can ease a lot of financial anxiety for employees. Instead of worrying about whether they’ll receive a paycheck in time to pay rent or cover a credit card bill, flexible pay allows them to access the money whenever they need it. 


Superannuation is money that’s set aside by your employer for your retirement – on top of your salary and wages. Employers are required by Australian law to make superannuation contributions for most of their employees and typically pay a minimum of 9.5% of ordinary time earnings.

How this supports financial wellbeing: 

Superannuation is one of the best financial benefits for employees because it guarantees that they’ll have funds to use in retirement. Workers can also decide to make additional contributions to their own account or might be eligible to receive contributions from the Australian government, which can further increase the amount of retirement savings they accumulate.

Investment vehicles

There are many investment vehicle options that you can introduce to your employees – from managed funds to share schemes with your own company. Regardless of which ones you make available to your workforce, the most important part is educating them so they can decide which option is best for them. This can be done through training or financial literacy workshops.  

How this supports financial wellbeing: 

Helping employees find ways to invest and grow their money over time will help them in the long run – whether it’s when they retire or run into an emergency where they might need additional funds to dip into. 

Lost super consolidation

It’s possible for employees to lose track of some of their super. This typically happens when they change their job or address. As an employer, you can provide the resources to help workers find their lost super, consolidate it with the rest of their contributions, and identify which account they want their future contributions to go to. 

How this supports financial wellbeing: 

Employees can save money by consolidating their super into one account. Having multiple accounts can accumulate fees, not to mention that having multiple sources of contributions can be difficult to manage. 

Life insurance

The purpose of life insurance is to offer protection to employees and their loved ones in case of an unexpected life event. There are different life insurance products they can choose from that protect them from different types of events – whether that’s a death, a terminal illness diagnosis, or a bad accident. 

How this supports financial wellbeing: 

This is a wonderful initiative for employers to introduce because it gives workers peace of mind when it comes to unexpected life events. The last thing an employee wants to worry about after a car accident or diagnosis is to have to worry about finances, and life insurance is a great safeguard against that. 

There are many effective initiatives that can increase your employees’ levels of financial wellness and – as a result – their overall wellbeing. Simply start with a few of the ideas that stood out to you in this post and go from there. 

If you have any employees who are in need of support, be sure to check out Wellness@Work, a free hub designed to support HR and Australian workers by giving them access to free content.

If you’re looking for an additional HR software to support your business, Flare offers a free onboarding software with employee management and benefits. To learn more, please request a demo.

Top 5 best small luxury cars

Step into the world of small luxury cars with the Audi A3, BMW 1 Series, Mercedes-Benz A-Class, Mini Clubman, and Volkswagen Golf. These vehicles offer a blend of style, innovation, and exhilarating driving experiences in a compact yet luxurious package. From the elegant design and advanced technologies of the Audi A3 to the cutting-edge features and convenience of the BMW 1 Series, each small luxury car brings something unique to the table. 

Audi A3

Experience the new Audi A3, a supremely luxurious, sporty and elegantly styled sedan that is sure to turn heads. With a striking new design language and advanced technologies, the A3 offers an even more engaging driving experience. The A3 offers a range of safety features, including an Electromechanical Parking Brake, Autonomous Emergency Braking, and Electronic Stabilisation Control, so you can feel confident and secure behind the wheel. Experience the seamless, intuitive Audi A3 today.

BMW 1 Series

Introducing the BMW 1 Series – the perfect combination of innovative luxury and outstanding and advanced design language. The ultimate driving experience, full of dynamics and agility, enjoy the convenience of a hatchback body type and the safety of the Parking Assistant Plus. Experience performance and character united in the BMW 1 Series.

Mercedes Benz A-Class

Introducing the Mercedes-Benz A Class – a perfect combination of intelligence, innovation and luxury. Enjoy energising comfort and exemplary safety, as well as spacious seating and one of the most cutting-edge designs. With a wide range of power and torque options, the Mercedes-Benz A Class is the perfect choice for your next car.

Mini Clubman

The Mini Clubman is a distinctive and sophisticated all-wheel drive wagon that is the perfect urban vehicle for work or play. The Mini Clubman offers more room for family, four-legged friends as well as all the fun and possibility you can handle. It features innovative technology such as touch command, park assist and MINI Connected, plus a range of safety features including Dynamic Stability Control, Anti-lock braking system and Dynamic Traction Control. Whether you’re running errands around town or taking a road trip, the Mini Clubman is the perfect choice for your next adventure.

Volkswagen Golf

Experience a drive that takes you out of everyday life and into a world less ordinary with the Volkswagen Golf. This hatchback offers 110 kW of power and a fuel tank capacity of 5.8-6.0 L/110km. Plus, its semi-autonomous driving capabilities, unparalleled performance and striking design make the Golf a great choice for those who want to break out of their routine and start an adventure. Safety features such as Emergency Assist, Proactive Occupant Protection System and Multi-collision braking also make the Golf a reliable and secure ride. 

Get the car you want, now

We are dedicated to helping our customers get the most out of their budget without compromising on an exceptional driving experience. Whether you prioritise safety and reliability or crave a blend of excitement and functionality, our team at Flare is committed to assisting you in discovering the ideal car that aligns with your unique lifestyle. Experience the joy of driving the perfect vehicle with Flare.

What is a novated lease, and how does it work?

Novated leasing is an innovative car financing option that allows employees to save money on their car purchase and potentially enjoying significant tax savings. Let’s explore everything you need to know about novated leasing for employees, including how it works, what happens at the end of a novated lease, the benefits, and more. 

What is a novated lease?

Cars are one of our biggest household expenses, yet many of us haven’t been exposed to the huge savings advantages that a novated lease can offer. It’s one of the cheapest ways to own and run your car. A novated lease is an arrangement between an employee, their employer, and a financier for a period of time, between one to five years. With a Flare novated lease, you can get the car you want now with no large upfront cost, and bundle up your vehicle finance and running costs like fuel and maintenance into convenient monthly payments. By doing this, you could make significant savings on the purchase price, your income tax, and GST too. 

How does it work?

Novated leasing is a workplace benefit in which all the costs for running a car, as well as the vehicle purchase price, are taken directly out of your salary, through a combination of pre and post tax deductions by your employer.

A diagram explaining the novated leasing process.

What happens at the end of a novated lease?

You have a couple of options if you want to leave your current company. If your new employer offers novated leasing, then you should be able to transfer your novated lease over via your new employer’s salary packaging provider. Alternatively, if your new employer does not offer novated leasing, you can pay your finance directly to the financier; however, this becomes your responsibility, and you would lose the associated tax benefits.

Did you know that with a Flare Novated lease you get:

  • The car you want, now. No large upfront costs, plus our team will help you source your new car and organise a test drive.

  • The best pricing. Benefit from Flare’s buying power and save yourself the hard work. Our car experts negotiate on your behalf and secure the best EV and hybrid deals for you.

  • Save on tax and running costs. Enjoy significant tax savings and less GST on your car purchase, electricity mileage, servicing and maintenance.

  • Easy budget management. Avoid hidden expenses and spread your bills throughout the year by bundling up your finance and running costs like electricity mileage, servicing, maintenance and rego into one convenient monthly payment.


Is a novated lease worth it? 

A novated lease can be an excellent option for employees who want to save money on their car expenses while enjoying significant tax savings. However, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of novated leasing before making a decision, and as every situation is different, so is every lease agreement. 

Can you novate lease a used car?

Yes, a used car can be no older than 12 years old at the end of the lease term. So for example, if you want to lease a used car over 5 years, the car must be 7 years old or newer at the start of the lease. All you’ll need to do is provide a quote from a dealer on the used car. Don’t sign any contracts to buy until you have your credit approved.

I want to lease my current car. How do I take advantage of the tax benefits of leasing?

If you own your current car outright, or owe less on existing finance than the car is worth then we can explore a lease for you under what’s called a “Sale and Leaseback” arrangement. The finance company essentially buys your vehicle from you and leases it back to you over an agreed term.

Is novated leasing only beneficial if I drive high kilometres per year?

That is no longer the case. The Federal Government changed legislation a few years back which made the benefit of leasing universal regardless of kilometres driven. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing 5000kms per year or 25000kms. The only thing kilometres impact are your running cost budgets for fuel, servicing and so on.

A banner promoting latest deals starting at $150 a week.

How to onboard new employees remotely

As the world continues to adapt to our new ways of working, companies need to adapt their HR processes accordingly. One of the most important questions is how to onboard new employees remotely. The type of onboarding program you have in place has a significant impact on factors like new hire retention and productivity. In fact, a study found that a structured onboarding experience resulted in 69% of employees being more likely to stay with a company for three years and 50% greater new-hire productivity. 

To help companies manage this process remotely, Flare has a free digital employee onboarding software that lets you add new employees to your ATS, generate documents, and gives your new hires a seamless way to auto-sign contracts and share important information with the company. 

While being remote does present some challenges to the onboarding process, we believe there are things you can do to make it just as strong as one that’s in person. Below, we’ve outlined a five-step staff onboarding checklist to help you get your new hires up to speed remotely:

1. Start with preboarding

Many employers wait until the new hire’s first day to start the onboarding process. But there’s actually a step that comes before that called preboarding. The purpose of this step is to get your new hires up-to-speed before they start their new roles so they don’t feel overwhelmed on their first day. Preboarding activities have also been found to increase first-year retention by as much as 80 percent. These activities can include:

  • Educating employees on benefits available to them
  • Connecting colleagues early on
  • Collecting personal information (employees’ favourite snacks, personal hobbies, etc.)

Related article: 10 Ideas to help you boost your employee engagement

2. Create a warm welcome experience

Once you have all the preboarding logistics squared away, you can focus on creating a warm welcome experience for your new employee’s first day. Since your team won’t be able to take them out to a welcome lunch or greet them in person, it’s important to find other ways to make them feel excited about their new job. Below are a few ideas you can try:

  • Send a welcome card that’s been digitally signed by the CEO, their manager, and their new team members
  • Gift the new hire with a prepaid card to their neighbourhood cafe; They can grab a coffee and get to know their teammates through virtual hangout sessions
  • Host a virtual welcome party with the whole team
  • Ship a ‘welcome pack’ that contains the new employee’s favourite treats, movies, or board games

The last thing you want is for your new hire to feel isolated on their first day. These ideas will help your employees feel like they’re already part of the team and get them excited about their new company – even when they’re not physically at the office!

Get a free demo of Flare’s digital employee onboarding software.

3. Establish a support system

Any employee’s first day can feel a bit scary – especially when they’re remote and don’t have the luxury of asking the person sitting next to them a question or getting to know people over lunch. To make sure they feel supported from day one, it’s important to establish a system that they can turn to if they have questions, need help, or simply want to feel more integrated into the company. Here’s how:

  • Set your new employee up with a designated buddy. This is their go-to person if they have any questions, need someone to chat with over a virtual lunch, or simply want to learn more about the company 
  • Create a Slack channel for new hires. At Flare, we have one called #newbies that contains helpful resources and is a dedicated space where new employees can feel safe asking questions 
  • Encourage the new hire’s manager check in with them frequently during the first 30 days to make sure the transition is going smoothly 

Related article: 5 Ways to help your employees improve their financial wellbeing

4. Run induction sessions

In addition to helping your new hires feel socially integrated, you want to make sure they understand the various aspects of the business as well. This is where virtual induction sessions can be helpful. The purpose of these sessions is to meet with different leaders within the organisation – from the CEO to the Head of Engineering – so they can better understand how the business operates. 

Not only that, but induction sessions can help new employees put faces to names and develop a clearer view of how their specific role contributes to the broader mission of your company. This allows new hires to recognise that they’re a valuable part of the organisation and helps them find a sense of meaning in their work. 

5. Collect feedback

Finally, remember that your onboarding process doesn’t end after 30 or 60 days. There are ways to continuously iterate on and improve your program – especially if your remote onboarding process is brand new. The best way to do this is to distribute an onboarding survey to new hires after they go through the experience. This provides an opportunity for them to share feedback on what worked, what didn’t, and how they felt coming out of the onboarding process – all valuable input that you can use to strengthen your existing program.

As you can see, a powerful employee onboarding experience can have a significant impact on your business. Thankfully, there are ways to make sure this process is effective, welcoming, and informative – even when doing so remotely. Follow our recommendations to make sure your onboarding process goes as smoothly as possible for your new remote employees.

To learn more about Flare’s free digital employee onboarding software, and how it can save you on time and paperwork, request a demo here.

Flare’s top five favourite budget cars

With the ever-increasing cost of living, it’s no wonder people are looking for ways to cut costs. So we decided to put together our favourite budget cars available for a novated lease. These cars are perfect for those who want a cost-effective vehicle without compromising on style, performance, and sustainability. From all-electric cars to compact SUVs, each vehicle on this list boasts unique features that make it an excellent choice for those looking for value and quality.

The BYD Atto, a great budget car

BYD Atto

The BYD ATTO 3 is a pure electric passenger car, resulting in zero emissions. Its load-bearing body, front-to-rear longitudinal beam, and integrated power battery pack ensure the safety of the battery and the vehicle as a whole. The car’s all-electric construction allows for minimal internal and external noise, providing an unparalleled driving and riding experience that is unmatched by any internal combustion vehicle.

  • BYD Blade Battery
  • 7.3s 0-100km/h acceleration
  • 410km Driving range NEDC
  • Front-wheel drive Drivetrain
  • 5 seating capacity with 60/40 fold rear seats
"The BYD ATTO 3 is an innovative and eco-friendly option for those looking for a compact, efficient, electric, budget car."
Justin Miller
Flare EV expert


The MG HS +EV provides the best of both worlds, offering the advantages of electric driving along with the reassurance of petrol backup. Featuring an electric motor for pure EV driving and a turbocharged petrol engine for longer journeys, the HS +EV provides zero-emission driving when desired and peace of mind for longer distances.

  • 10.1″ touchscreen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
  • 12.3″ virtual cockpit
  • 1.7L/100km (combined) fuel consumption
  • 189kW/370Nm
  • Battery Capacity: 16.6kWh
"Drive with confidence in the MG HS+EV, which combines the best of electric driving with the reassurance of petrol backup, giving you the freedom to go farther and the peace of mind to do it."
Justin Miller
Flare EV expert

Hyundai Kona

The Hyundai Kona is a vibrant and confident compact SUV that encourages self-expression. It boasts a bold, sleek new look and is equipped with the latest smart technology, taking the most vibrant Hyundai drive to a whole new level. The Kona’s clever interior layout, versatility, and comfort make it an ideal fit for those with busy lifestyles, providing ample room for both passengers and cargo. Whether you’re looking for a sporty and unique ride or simply a reliable and practical vehicle, the Kona is designed to be different and stand out on the road.

  • Leather appointed seats, steering wheel and gear knob
  • 10.25” multimedia touchscreen display
  • Steering wheel-mounted controls
  • LED Daytime Running Lights
  • Heated and ventilated front seats
"The Hyundai Kona is a standout compact SUV, blending bold design, innovative technology, and versatile comfort to create a truly unique driving experience."
Wei Tang, Flare cars team lead
Wei Tang
Flare team lead

Kia Cerato

The Cerato has built a strong reputation for its sharp, flowing design and athletic performance, and it continues to add more innovations to its impressive resume. Its ultra-modern and spacious cabin is designed with a driver-focused approach, featuring the latest generation of infotainment that firmly immerses you in the digital world. The Cerato comes in two distinct body styles, including an athletic hatchback and a sleek sedan, providing customers with a range of options to suit their preferences.

  • LED Illumination
  • 10.25” HD touchscreen display
  • Electronic parking break
  • Climate control
  • Push button start
"Whether you prefer the sporty hatchback or the sleek sedan, the Cerato is a standout choice for those seeking style, performance, and value."
Wei Tang, Flare cars team lead
Wei Tang
Flare team lead

Volkswagen T-Cross

The Volkswagen T-Cross is an SUV that combines urban appeal and functional design to create a stylish and versatile vehicle. With a sculpted body and eye-catching range of colours, the T-Cross is undeniably unforgettable. What sets the T-Cross apart is its commanding performance and how it drives. It boasts an efficient 5.4L for every 100kms2, making it an excellent choice for effortless city driving. Overall, the T-Cross is a perfect amalgamation of both substance and style, providing a commanding and unforgettable driving experience.

  • 455L Luggage capacity
  • 5.4L/100km Fuel efficiency
  • Composition Media 8″ infotainment system
  • Lane Assist, lane departure warning system
  • Parking distance sensors, front and rear with Manoeuvre Braking
"The Volkswagen T-Cross offers a unique blend of style and substance, with its eye-catching design and efficient performance making it a standout in the SUV market."
Wei Tang, Flare cars team lead
Wei Tang
Flare team lead

Get the car you want, now

We’re passionate about helping our customers get the most out of their budget while enjoying a driving experience that exceeds their expectations. Our top five favourite budget cars offer a range of options to suit different needs and preferences, from eco-friendly electric vehicles to versatile and stylish SUVs. So whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or simply enjoy a fun and practical ride, Flare is here to help you find the perfect car for your lifestyle. 

With the ever-increasing cost of living, it’s no wonder people are looking for ways to cut costs. So we decided to put together our favourite budget cars available for a novated lease.